Friday, September 01, 2006

My Blog Will Be Better Than Shaffner's 3 Blogs Put Together

I really wasn't going to do anything with this blog. Honestly. I was fumbling around GMail shortly after creating a new account and somehow found myself on the Blogger page. Seeing yet another mindless distraction from the doldrums of work, I went thru the steps to create the blog with the belief I would never return.

Then Shaffner decided to create not one, not two, but three separate blogs. As if he has that much to say.

To add insult to injury, he proceeded to rip my preferred form of travel to NYC (The DC to NYC Acela is awesome if you want to fit into your seat, avoid the airport security lines, and actually arrive in Manhattan) and then spent an entire post confessing that he now drinks fruity tea by the kettle. This man once downed flaming shots of sambuca with the mighty have fallen.

Anyway, this endeavor may be short-lived as the time demands of work are steadily increasing in anticipation of trial at the end of September (yes, like 90% of DC, I too am a lawyer). As nobody is reading this (except maybe Shaffner), I'm sure no one will mind the irregularity of postings.

Can you handle the truth?


At 6:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, now, don't diss on my fruity tea preferences... Them is fightin' words.

Besides, I'm not ragging on all train routes, just the BOS-NYC one. Give me Chinese movies on the Fung Wah!


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