Monday, March 03, 2008

Kitchen Remodel - The Finale

Alright, the painters are done and the kitchen is effectively complete. (We still have someone coming by to fix the minor things from our walk though, but let's ignore that fact).

As a reminder of where we started, I've set it up as somewhat of a before & after:

Original view from family room

View from former family room

Original kitchen workspace

New kitchen workspace (complete with cat)

More workspace (also with cat)

View from original kitchen

View from across new kitchen

View from dining room

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Kitchen Remodel - Painting Day 1

I have been informed that it is not acceptable to wait until Monday and that I must post pictures of today's progress. Without further ado, here's the kitchen somewhere between the first and second coats.

View from former family room

Space between fridge and pantry

Close up of painted wall next to tile

Kitchen Remodel - The Interlude

I had hoped to be posting the final kitchen pictures tonight, but the painters need a second day to finish.

While we're waiting for them to finish on Monday, here's a before & after shot of our basement bathroom. After hiring people to fix the walls and put in new tile, my father and I tried to install the rest of the bathroom. Unfortunately, we couldn't find the adapter we needed for the sink drain and efforts to bring in a plumber were derailed after one attempt. With all types of handy people around for the kitchen, we managed to get the kitchen plumber to finish the installation on Friday.

Original Bathroom (missing from photo: nasty vinyl tile & huge hole from medicine cabinet)

Updated Bathroom