Monday, November 12, 2007

Quasi-Music Related Post

I wanted to throw this video up on the blog, mostly so I could easily find and watch it later, but to also highlight a good song and a great trend. It seems more and more artists are putting official videos for their songs on YouTube or MySpace. These official videos are so much better than when people try to film the video off their TV or at a concert with their cell phone.

Foo Fighters -- Pretender:

The big music news, of course, is that Led Zepplin is finally releasing its entire collection online via iTunes. A mere $100 will get you the digital versions of all that great 70s rock.

Although they've been out for a year or so, fans of Zepplin should also check out
Wolfmother. Hands down the only new rock band worth listening to.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

posting out of boredom, not a good thing

I warned about how I just discovered I could post via blackberry. So now you will get an unentertaining post from the mall while I wait for my wife to pick out overpriced Christmas decorations.

I really never question Christmas purchases because it's her favorite time of year and I tend to spend too much on random stuff throughout the year anyway. In fact I'm typing this post from my new blackberry.

Well, it looks like, after 25 minutes, we have finally found the appropriately sized candles for the centerpieces she picked out.

May your holiday shopping be merry (and done online)

Update: After all the effort to locate suitable candles, an all too frequent event occurred - my wife decided it was too expensive and we left empty handed. The quest for holiday decorations continues.