Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Umm, I was supposed to update this thing like a month ago

Trial ended in October and I immediately found myself with an abundance of free time. Rather than update for the three people who occasionally read this nonsense, I chose to ignore my blogging duties and pursue loftier goals such as watching hour upon hour of shows Tivo'd while I was away.

[NOTE: Remind me to spoil the plot for just about every episode of SciFi's Eureka sometime. Here's a hint, the "outsider" sheriff doesn't understand the high tech catastrophe caused by resident genius, but then somehow comes up with simple solution just in time for credits.]

Setting aside my burgeoning TV critic career, the real highlight of this update is that we adopted a second cat over Thanksgiving.

World, meet Smacky. Smacky, meet world.

Lest you think from his name that I beat my pets, our cats are named after the Get Fuzzy comic strip by Darby Conley. Smacky gets his name from the toy bear carried around by Bucky, the Garfield-esque cat in the comic. For those that care, our other cat got off easy and is simply named Fuzzy. It's not like it really matters with cats anyway, they aren't going to come no matter what you call them.

Gotta run, but I'll leave you with another sweet song from a commercial that everyone should check out. Here's Mad World by Michael Andrews with vocals by Gary Jules

This song was originally done by Tears For Fears (they of puffy hair, 80's fame) and revised by Andrews for the Donny Darko soundtrack. Like most of you, it only came to my attention in the recent Xbox 360 commercial for Gears of War (extended fan version below):

Kinda depressing in the context of the commercial, but a nice low key song. Frankly, it puts the Tears For Fears version to shame, but as we're talking a mid-80's pop duo, that's not necessarily saying much.

Well, I make no promises, but I'll try to update more often until work ramps back up again (we can't all be freelance writers and update every day).
